The Benn Gunn Society - Pirate Queen

I was born to high society
Learned to drink tea and how to curtsey
Always wore gloves and never got dirty
Like a bird in a cage it was not much fun

When I was fifteen they said I was a Lady
And brought me to meet the man I would marry
He was old, cantankerous and ugly
That's when I knew that I had to run

The night before the wedding I slipped outside
Knowing in my finery I could not hide
So I stole some rags from the servant's quarters
And signed on as a ship's boy to await my orders
The first mate laughed when he saw my dainty hands
But promised me that soon enough I'd be a man

My lungs grew strong in the salty sea air
I learned to drink rum and how to swear
As for my former life I did not care
From now on it's a sailor's life for me

In a few short weeks I'd become the first mate's favorite
That's when he told me he was secretly a pirate
A mutiny was planned and he asked if I would join it
From now on it's a pirate's life for me

The night before the mutiny I slipped on deck
Knowing that my actions would risk my neck
I saw him standing in the pale moonlight
And there and then I told him all about my plight
The first mate laughed as he held my ragged hands
And promised he would marry me when we reached land

The very next day I killed my first man
I felt so proud as his scarlet blood ran
I looked up at my Captain, so handsome and tan
And the first mate, now, that's me

I'll never give up this pirate's life
Even if I weren't the captain's wife
I love my cutlass, my pistol and knife
But most of all I love being free